Best Cat Scratchers

Want to stop your cat from shredding your furniture to bits? Our list covers best cat scratchers, designed to suit every kitty's needs and quirks.

Works of Art You Want Your Cat to Shred

When a traditional scratching post doesn't cut it, you need to shred it up a notch. For your fancy-pants kitty, only a Copycat Art Scratcher will do!

Cat Gagging: Why Does It Happen

What causes cat gagging? Is there anything you can do to prevent or help it? Let’s talk all about cat gagging and shy it happens. Gagging is something…

How to Keep Your Cat Safe This Halloween

If you have one or more cats, there are several hazards and dangers to be concerned about on Halloween.

New Year’s Kitty Resolutions: Best Cat Weight Loss Tips

Is it time to make some resolutions for your kitty? If your feline is tipping the scales, put these best cat weight loss tips for a healthier new year.

How Do You Give an Uncooperative Cat a Pill?

How exactly do you go about giving an uncooperative cat a pill? You can’t just avoid it altogether – it has to be done one way or the other. Read on to find out how to do it without ending up covered in scratches!

Brother One-Ups His Twin’s Baby Photo With His Kitty Interpretations

Finding the right birthday gift can be hard. But we think this brother nailed it, when he recreated his sister's Instagram photos in the most unique way!

Flea Medications for Your Cat: Ingredients to Avoid

Keeping fleas of your cat is vital - but should you be using flea medications? Before you make a decision, keep these factors in mind.

Cat Remake of “Home Alone” is a Weird Holiday Classic [Video]

In the weirdest remake of the popular holiday movie Home Alone, a cat bests a couple of cat burglars when his owner accidentally leaves him behind.

Foster Cats Take Over Illinois Offices [Video]

A program designed to reduce the numbers in an Illinois animal shelter has local workplaces purring with excitement!

Luna and Oliver Top Most Popular Cat Names of 2016

Finding the right name for your ferocious feline is tough. To make finding the purr-fect moniker a bit easier, check out 2016's most popular cat names.

Top 5 Gotta-Have-‘Em Cat Toys

Shopping for your cat is often more fun than shopping for yourself! If you're in a spending mood, check out our top 5 picks for must-have cat toys.

Best Cat Hammocks

Just lounging around - it's a cat's life! If you're looking for the perfect place for your cat to lounge, we've sourced some of the best cat hammocks.�

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

Helpful Tips for Giving Your Cat a Pill

When your kitty doesn't want to take his meds, it can be a tough pill to swallow. Here are a few tips that will make it go down easier.

New Louis Vuitton Collection Is the Cat’s Meow

The world-famous luxury retailer launched an exclusive collection of fab accessories- and it was inspired by the designers' own pets.

Best Cat Pheromone Diffusers

Does your cat have behavioral issues you can't curb with training. We've found the best cat pheromone diffusers to help you out with the problem.�

Our Guide to the Best Cat Harnesses

Do you want to take your feline on some outdoor adventures? Then you’ll need a leash and harness designed for cats.

Cat Grass and Safe Alternatives

Cat grass, yard grass… the moment decent weather hits their inner Holstein kicks in and they’re chowing down on the green stuff every chance they get.

Futuristic Footlose Litter Box Scoops the Poop and Monitors Your Cat

In addition to scooping the cat poop for you, this next-gen litter box also monitors your felines health and alerts you if anythings amiss.

What Is Pancreatitis in Cats?

While it's not known what causes the condition, pancreatitis in cats is a serious issue. Here's what you should know about the disease.

Best Cat Tents

When shopping for new products for your feline companion, you have a lot of options to choose from. But have you ever thought about getting your fur baby a little tent that she can use every day?

Cat With A Pawpose Runs For Mayor In Oregon

A cat with a 'pawpose' has decided to run for mayor in Bend, Oregon, hoping to make a difference in city ordinances he is displeased with.

Why Do Cats Sit in Squares?

Cats can sometimes display strange behavior. One of those is their fondness for sitting in squares. Why are they drawn to sit in this shape?

What Is Megaesophagus in Cats?

A big word and a big problem. What is megaesophagus in cats, what are this disorder's causes and how do you treat it? Read on to find out.

Napping Grandpa Raised $30,000 for a Cat Sanctuary By Snoozing With Ki

If you were wondering what the term ’power (cat)nap’ means, let this feline-loving senior enlighten you. Earlier this month, a job ad went viral as…

Planned Parenthood Uses Pussycats For New Sex Education Videos [Video]

A series of sex-ed videos from Planned Parenthood are using the cutest, furriest pussies they could find to educate viewers on certain body parts.

Why Do Cats Knead?

She won't lie down until the blanket or her bed is just right! What are their actual intentions? Have you ever wondered: why do cats kneed?

Cats Are the Muses Behind WAM's "Meow: A Cat Inspired Exhibition"

Talk about an art exhibition thats the cats meow! The Worcester Art Museums Meow: A Cat Inspired Exhibition opens May 21.

Our Guide to the Best Interactive Cat Toys   

Looking for ways to keep your cat engaged? There are toys that'll keep your kitty busy for hours on end. Check out our guide to the best interactive cat toys.�

How to Make a Cat Poop When Constipated

When your cat's all bunged up, what do you do to unplug the blockage? Here's how to make a cat poop when constipated.

Can Cats Eat Cheese?

Does your cat have a taste for cheese? Before you feed her a piece, you should know if cats can eat cheese.

What You Should Know About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

When it comes to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, a small problem can turn serious quickly. Here's what you need to know about this health risk.

Dublin’s First Ever Cat Lounge Lets The Kittens Out Of The Bag

Luck of the Irish Cat! Irish kitty lovers are about to get their cat lounge fix, as the country's first ever cat lounge is now open in Dublin!

The Claws Are Out as England Battles Russia for "World's Best Cat"

Not since the days of Vader and Luke has such rivalry been seen! At the LondonCats show, two top national kitty contenders battled for the title of “World’s…

5 Fresh And Effective Ways To Control Litter Box Odor

There's a reason why kitty litter isn't a popular Glade Plugin scent! Keep your litter box, and your home, smelling sweet with these invigorating tips.

Product Review: Gen7 Traveler Portable Pet Bed

Cats on the go need a comfy place to rest their weary paws. We tested the Gen7 Traveler Portable Pet Bed to see if it would pass the finicky feline test.

There’s a New (and Clever) Litter Box on Kickstarter Right Now

The Janar Litter Box at first glance appears to be a simple and well-designed pod-style litter box, but its simple aesthetic belies the smart functionality resting within.

5 Big Differences Between Cats and Dogs

Although cats and dogs are the most popular pets, there are some major differences between the two species, and understanding them will prepare you to be a great guardian to your canine or feline companion.

Why Do Cats Hiss?

We instinctively back away when we hear a cat hissing. But why do cats hiss and how should you react when your feline makes this sound?

International Cat Association Adds Lykoi Breed to Its Roster

The International Cat Association has announced they've recognized a new breed, the Lykoi cat, and they're definitely crying, "Wolf!"

Top 10 Human Foods Poisonous to Cats

It may smell good to your kitty, but it may be dangerous for her to eat. Be sure to keep your cat away from these poisonous foods.

How Much Does Your Cat Remember?

Just like elephants, it turns out that cats have a good memory. According to research, cats remember a lot more than we thought they could.

Researchers Discover Virus Related To Hepatitis B In Cats

Researchers have found hepadnavirus in cats, and say that the virus, which belongs in the hepatitis B family, can help learn more about hepatitis in humans.

3 Of The Most Innovative Litter Boxes We’ve Seen

There's more to kitty litter than just a regular old plastic box. If your cat is high tech, check out these cool kitty litter boxes.

The Cat Daddy’s Petmate Cat Toys Are Out of This World

It's no secret we love us some Jackson Galaxy - our favorite cat daddy! Look what cool cat stuff he brought with him to SuperZoo 2017.

New Hampshire Lawmakers Decide Whether Cats With FIV Can Be Adopted

Activists are hoping that legislation that allows FIV positive cats to be moved within the state of New Hampshire will be passed.

3 Amazing Reasons to Adopt a Special Needs Kitten or Cat

Special needs cats need love, too, but are commonly passed over for adoption at shelters. Here's why you should bring one home.

10 Pussy Prezzies for Pop This Father’s Day

Grab 'em by the pussies... HEY, we're talking about pussy presents that are perfect to give to your pop on Father's Day. Nasty, nasty thoughts!

Twitter Kitty Sensation Not Least Bit Shocked She’s a Star

There's a new Twitter sensation, and the look on the rescue cat's face tells a thousand stories...or just one shocked one!

Cats and Coffee: The CatWise Cat Café Tour

Have a seat, grab a coffee and get ready to talk cats with cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett. The CatWise Cat Cafe Tour is coming to a city near you!

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

Product Review: Hagen Vesper V-Tower Cat Furniture

It's our first cat-related product review! Tester cat Boris (along with human slave Stephen Elmer) climbs his way to the top of Hagen's new Vesper V-Tower.

4 Basic First Aid Tips For Cat Emergencies

Know what to look for before an emergency with these first aid tips for cats Knowing what steps to take during an emergency involving your cat can be the dif…

Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

Cat Diseases: Two Infectious Illnesses You Should Know About

The more you know about potential dangerous cat diseases, the better able you'll be to treat and care for your feline. You may have heard of FIV and FeLV.

The Stages of Kitten Development

Knowing the different stages in kitten development will allow you to ensure all of his needs are met and that he will grow up to be strong and healthy.

Locals Outraged After Loitering Cat Banned From His Favorite Store

A convenience store in Bournemouth, England, has learned that banning a loved local cat may not have been the best business decision!

This Charming Tabby Relieves People’s Flying Stress With Snuggles

At Calgary International Airport, no one is stressed because of delayed flights or long lines. And it's all thanks to a friendly tabby cat.

The Difference Between Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes for Cats

Helping your cat maintain strong digestion is important, and if your kitty is experiencing digestive problems, you’ll want to do your best to help her feel better. Two supplements that may be useful are probiotics and digestive enzymes.