How To Hire The Right Cat Sitter For Your Frisky Feline

Hiring a cat sitter can be a daunting process because there are a lot of people out there who are willing to pet sit but not all of them are qualified.

Rescue Cat Returns Favor, Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A quiet rescued family cat found his voice at the most important time, warning his family that their house was filling with deadly carbon monoxide.

We’re All Ears for the Neko Cat Ears Motorcycle Helmet

Safety has never looked this fur-ocious before! Cat-inspired helmets are purr-fect for feline-lovin' motorcycle mamas.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

Can Cats Eat Tuna?

Cats love to nom on tuna. But is it good for them? Can cats eat tuna, and if so, how much is enough to satisfy your kitty?

How Feline Behavior Can Change With Age

As cats get older, not only does their appearance alter, but their behavior can change, too. Here are some signs to look for as he nears his golden years.

Feral Cats Chase Rats in Urban Areas to Earn Their Keep

Feral cats' instinctive prey skills are being put to use in new programs that use them to help urban areas rid themselves of rat problems.

Study: Declawing Cats Has Long-Term Impact on Behavior

New research shows that elective declaw surgeries increase the risk of long-term pain in cats, which can mean increased risks of cats behaving badly.

This New Kickstarter Cat Toy Will Lead To Endless YouTube Videos

Meet your new favorite Kickstarter cat toy

Can’t Adopt Due to Sensitivity to Cat Allergens? No More Excuses.

There are so many people that adore cats but can’t adopt one because of their sensitivities to cat allergens.

Best Cat Dewormers

Does your cat have worms or parasites? Gross! Get rid of them with one of our picks for best cat dewormers.�

Best Cat Urine Odor Removers

When you have a cat, you want your home to smell fresh. To keep things smelling sweet, here are our picks for the best cat urine odor removers.�

Best Litter Deodorizers for Cats

We love our cats, but we hate the smell of their bathroom! Want to get rid of the stink? Try one of these best litter deodorizers for cats.�

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

Crazy Couple’s “Natural” Cat Birth Announcement is Weird and Won

Tired of new-baby posts that clutter up your social media feeds? Bet you've never seen newborn pics like these, thanks to this hilarious Colorado couple!

Police Kittehs Rule The Roost In New Zealand Police Departments [Video

It's not unusual to see working dogs around a police station, but in some New Zealand police departments, the cat's been let out of the bag!

Cats and Rodents – Keep or Immediately Dispose of Their Catch?

Let’s face it, prey drive in our furry felines runs high. Hence all those squeaky, mouse-shaped playthings we love stashing into their arsenal of toys. I mean,…

Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

First Ever DNA Test for Cats Hopes to Prevent Health Issues in Felines

Basepaws, a genetic startup from California, became the first company to offer DNA testing kits for cats. Their goal? Making feline lives better.

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Feline Arthritis

The onset of feline arthritis as your cat ages is a health concern pet parents need to watch for. Know what the symptoms are what treatments are available.

Why is My Cat Peeing Outside the Litter Box?

Is your cat peeing outside the litter box and you don't know what to do about it? The key to fixing the problem is to understand why she's doing it.

How to Solve the 7 Most Common Kitty Litter Problems

From peeing in miscellaneous places to suddenly refusing to use the litter box: here's what your cat is trying to tell you.

How to Keep Your Cat Safe When Traveling by Car

Have cat, will travel. It’s a lot easier to travel with your cat by car. Make sure the journey is a safe one with these cat-friendly car tips. Are you…

Eco-Friendly Ripple Rug For Cats Looking For A Kick Start

This Kickstarter is just for the kitties. Meet the Ripple Rug, a new cat toy made from recycled plastic bottles that saves your furniture from cat-astrophe!…

5 Interesting Facts About Tabby Cats

One of the most popular kinds of cat, the Tabby is a fascinating feline. But we bet you didn't know these facts about tabby cats.

Pros and Cons of Laser Pointer Cat Toys

Cats seem to love chasing the dot created by a laser pointer, but is this really the best toy for your kitty? Let's talk about the pros and cons.

Best Cat Sofas

When it comes to giving your cat her own spot to sleep in, you have a few options, from regular plush beds and heated beds to hammocks, covered beds, and little hideaways with cushions inside them. But did you know that you could even buy little sofas that are made for cats? And you can find a wide range of sizes and styles, including those that work well in the great outdoors if your cat likes to spend time with you in the backyard?

What Are The Most Commonly Overlooked Cats At Shelters?

Are you looking to adopt a cat? Perhaps you should consider the kitties that are most often overlooked.There are countless cats of all ages and breeds availa…

Ear Mites In Cats Lead To Serious Scratching

A common problem, ear mites in cats are an annoying and painful problem. These mites are tiny insects that live in the ear canal and pierce the cat's skin.

Cats Break The Internet With Kittenish – A Book Of Naked Selfies!

Kim Kardashian has nothing on these adorable (and self-absorbed) cats – and this new coffee book of cat selfies is going to prove it! Do you ever wonde…

Kitten Season is in Full Swing, and That’s Bad News for Shelters

Petco reveals stunning results about the Kitten Season burden on local animal shelters and their initiative to encourage pet adoption.

Top 10 Meanest Cat Breeds

It's not just a cliché - some cats are meaner than others. Stay on the good side of any of the kitties on our top 10 meanest cat breeds.

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

How to Keep Your Cat Safe This Halloween

If you have one or more cats, there are several hazards and dangers to be concerned about on Halloween.

Couple Recreates Epic Movie Scenes With Their Cat

Have you watched a movie and thought, "This would be soo much better with a cat?" One couple answers that question with hilarious movie scene recreations!

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

Politikats’ Kickstarter Puts Heads of State on Cat Scratchers

When it comes to politics, the claws always come out! Put them to good use with the hilarious Politikats' Politically Inclined Cat Scratching Posts.

Best Cat Scratchers

Want to stop your cat from shredding your furniture to bits? Our list covers best cat scratchers, designed to suit every kitty's needs and quirks.

Shahs Of Sunset Feline Parody Is The Cat’s Meow [Video]

Our favorite Persian (Americans) are back, and the trailer for their sixth season is one that shows how the fur will fly...literally.

What Makes a Great Cat Tree?

No household is complete without a cat tree. This isn't just a toy - a great cat tree offers you cat a place to perch, a place to hide, and a place to play!

Tattoo Made From Animal-Hair Ink Proves Love Really Is Skin Deep [Vide

A tattoo model wanted to make the bond between herself and her cat a 'permanent' one, and decided to use ink made from her cat's hair.

Best Cat Enclosures

Have you ever thought about getting your cat an enclosure? If not, it might be worth considering. Check out the information below to learn a bit about the benefits of various types of enclosures for cats, and to access our list of product recommendations.

What Is Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia?

A developmental disorder, Feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia affects the way a cat walks. Here's what you should know about the illness and what can be done.

How to Choose the Right Scratching Post for Your Cat

A scratching post is an essential piece of feline furniture. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which one your cat will use?

4 Purrfect Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Cat

When you are ready to add a feline to your family, consider adoption. Need a good reason to adopt a shelter cat? We'll give you four!

Grammy-Winning Violinist Shows Cool Cats Love Classical Music [Video]

A Grammy-winning violinist's consideration of strays along an animated street has music fans all over the world seeing the street kitties in a new light.

Product Review: Gen7 Traveler Portable Pet Bed

Cats on the go need a comfy place to rest their weary paws. We tested the Gen7 Traveler Portable Pet Bed to see if it would pass the finicky feline test.

Do Cats Snore?

Cats are known for napping, and sure do look cute while doing it. Do cats snore while chasing mice and yarn in their sleep?

Best Hairball Control Products for Cats

EWWWWWW, gross - a hairball! Don't you wish you could get rid of them? If you're sick of them, try one of these best hairball control products for cats.

Tubby Tabby Steals the Spotlight in These Wedding Pictures

This newlywed couple know what's makes a memorable wedding pic - a fat cat! Here he is, starring in these post-wedding pics in all his fur glory.

Best Cat Window Perches

Your cat wants to know what's going on outside. Give her the perfect place to window watch. Check out our list of the best cat window perches.

Trained Cats Advance To Live Round Of America’s Got Talent [Video]

A clowder of show-biz kitties took America by storm again as they blew the judges of America’s Got Talent away with their cat-astic tricks! The mother/…

Why Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

You've heard the old saying that says cats always land on their feet. But how true is that adage?

Fix Felines by Five: Preventing Whoops Litters

How do you stop "oops litters" from happening? You get your cat spayed or neutered sooner - that's what Feline Fix by Five Months program is all about.

Futuristic Footlose Litter Box Scoops the Poop and Monitors Your Cat

In addition to scooping the cat poop for you, this next-gen litter box also monitors your felines health and alerts you if anythings amiss.

Feline Favors to Calm Your Cat

There's no doubt that cats have a secret agenda. To avoid utter chaos, here are some cool cat products to appease your diabolical kitty.

Best Crazy Catnip Toys for Cats

Catnip and toys - the two go perfectly together. There are so many catnip toys available, but here are six of our faves your cat will go crazy for.

Famous Fat Cat Who Inspired Meme Honored With Statue

Made famous by a meme, Istanbul's iconic fat cat, Tombili, was forever memorialized in a statue, on the very sidewalk where she liked to chill out.

Joined in Meowtrimony: Woman Marries Her Cat to Prevent Eviction

In an effort to prevent future landlord(s) from imposing no-pets-allowed lease conditions when renting, Deborah Hodge, aged 49 from Sidcup, United Kingdom, married her cat India.

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.