Would You Try This Peanut Butter Plastic Head Wrap To Clip Your Dog’

A nurse's genius hack for using a peanut butter head wrap to clip her dog's nails has gone viral and we're all about to try it ourselves!

Top 10 Scenthound Breeds

Dogs love to sniff, but there are some pooches who were bred with a keen nose. Here are our picks of the top 10 scenthound breeds.

VitusVet App Gives You Access To Your Dog’s Medical Records 24/7

No matter where you travel, what day it is or the time of day, the VitusVet app gives you access to your dog's medical records, just in case of emergencies.

Google Photos Now Has Facial Image Recognition For Your Pets

Pets are the subject of our photos, and Google Photos is taking note, using artificial-intelligence algorithms to help identify dogs and cats easily.

10 Hot Picks That’ll Keep Your Canine Cool

Pets can have a hard time outdoors when temperatures start to soar. To keep them content, here's our roundup of products that'll keep dogs cool this summer!

Quiz: Can You Name The World’s Largest Dog Breeds?

From paws to head, and chest to tail, these 10 dog breeds are among the biggest canines. Can you guess the names of these husky pooch breeds?

Top 10 Hearing Ear Dogs

Hearing ear dogs are trained to be of service to deaf or hearing impaired people by alerting them to sounds or responding to commands given in ALS.

Doggie Dining Takes A Trip Into Drive-Thru

It's a "Dog eat dog " world... and one entrepreneurial Dog Mama took that to heart. She opened Bane and Vader's, a healthy Doggy Drive-thru restaurant!

12 Pieces of Functional and Fabulous Pet Furniture

Who said that practical and drab go hand in hand? Magazine-worthy and functional, this pet furniture that is all about breaking stereotypes.

Quarantine Weather Reports Constantly Interrupted By Talkative Pooch

With much of North America working remotely from home, there are bound to be some ruff days as pets and their people adjust to so much togetherness. One mete…

No One-Trick For This Pony-Riding Dog! [Video]

We bet you've never seen a dog ride a one-eyed pony before. But guess what? Today is your lucky day - we've got a video you need to watch!

Kentucky One Step Closer To Outlawing Dog Fighting

Kentucky is the last state in the U.S. to end dog fighting – but a new bill is hoping to change all that. We’re pleased to report that the state…

Best Products For A Dog-Friendly Lawn

Spring is in the air, but a dog-friendly lawn is in season no matter the date. When it comes to having a gorgeous lawn, as dog parents, we want to also use the best products for a dog-friendly lawn. Check out our favorites!

Quarantine & Chill With Teddy The Dog During the “Pawdemic”

While the state of the world today makes our heads spin faster than a dog chasing his own tail, one hound of great renown is trying to lighten things up and…

Meet Furbo, the World’s First Treat-Tossing Dog Camera

Yay gadgets! Innovation, where would we be without you? We'd like to thank you for Furbo, a treat-tossing dog camera that's being funded on Indiegogo.

Say “Selfie!” Get In Front Of The Pooch Selfie Smartphone Attachme

Taking a selfie with your BFF has never been easier! No dog can resist the Pooch Selfie - a hypnotizing tennis ball that attaches to your cell phone.

Fur-bulous Back-To-School Supplies

It’s that time of year again…shiny bookbags and lunchboxes are hanging on the walls, ready to deck the school halls. Want to show how much you love your pets while you’re being too cool for school? Check out our pet-themed back-to-school supplies.

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Don’t Do Well in Hot Weather

Who doesn't like the warmer weather? Well, these dogs don't - they'd rather keep it cool. Here's our list of the 10 dogs that don't like hot weather.

Comfort Dogs Are Changing Lives of Ugandan War Survivors

After 25 years of war, citizens of Northern Uganda are trying to overcome the trauma. Now, they found allies that are helping them heal--rescue dogs.

Sony’s Robotic Dog Gets 4 Paws Up at CES

Sony's robotic dog, Aibo, is making all kinds of new friends at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and proves that you can teach a robotic dog new tricks!

Golden Retriever Flower Girl Steals The Limelight at Her Mama’s Wedd

A wedding in Chicago had a very special flower girl, and the bride said that not including her in the wedding was never an option.

Montreal Pit Bull Ban Suspended While SPCA Challenges Bylaw

The controversial law that was a death sentence for thousands of pit bulls has been given a stay while the SPCA challenges it--but isn't permanent just yet.

This Adorable Pooch Makes Sure You’re Not Afraid of the Dentist

Meet Atkins, a beautiful Lab girl whose job is to take your fear of the dentist away- her dutties include hanging out in your lap and being cute.

Best Gilded Golden Retriever Gifts

Goldies are a sweet gift! Give the gift of happiness with brilliant Golden Retriever-inspired trinkets that are sure to be treasured.

Top 10 Spring Cleaning Checklist for Pet Parents

After a long winter, it’s time to clean your house from top to bottom – and that includes all the stuff your dog uses, inside and outside of the…

8 Hilarious Motivational Pet Posters To Brighten Your Day

When life's got you down in the dumps, the positive pets in these motivational posters will set you straight. They'll make 5 PM come that much faster.

Top 10 Dogs For First-Time Owners

You're ready to be a pet parent. We've created a Top 10 list of dogs for first-time owners - take a look at these breeds perfect for first timers.

Robotic Bad Dog Shocks Humans Into Better Behaviors To Battle Loneline

A new project called Bad Dog is tackling the problem of loneliness in the youth of China, with robotic “Bad Dog” shocking humans into better beha…

Check Out Giant Dogs On the Free 2024 Calendar of the Portland USACE

What do you think – which pooch of the month is your fave?

You’re Cordially Invited To The First Dog’s Indoguration!

Next week will be historic for many reasons–one of which is the first-ever rescue pup to become the First Dog. That’s right, when President-elec…

Puppies Behind Bars: How Raising Service Dogs Changes Inmates

Dogs have the pawesome power to bring change when we least expect it. It's happening in Tennessee, where puppies are transforming the lives of inmates.

Futuristic Pet Tech Helps Ease Inflammation and Pain in Small Animals

This innovative product is a collaboration between Sleepypod and Assisi Animal Health and it promises to make life better for pets in pain.

Best Collars For Bernedoodles

Bernedoodles come in small, medium or large, and it's important to make sure you have the right collar and size, so here are our best 10 collars picks.

IKEA Introduces New Pet Line To The United States And We Are “Lurvig

No-frills, simply fabulous furniture store IKEA has taken its furniture line offerings to the next level--introducing to the The Lurvig pet product line.

Top 10 Luxe Dog-Inspired Home Renovations

Get ready to redo your home - these dog-friendly interior designs will have your calling a contractor to remodel your living space.

Dog’s Coyote-Proof Vest Picture Goes Viral

A chihuahua named Beanie has brought lots of smiles to the faces of Interwebs users as a picture of her in a coyote-proof vest circle has gone viral–an…

ABC’s “Downward Dog” Stars Former Homeless Pooch

If you're like me, you boo-hoo when it comes to puppy stories. ABC's new comedy "Downward Dog," will have you laughing and crying!

This Kickstarter Pet Robot Is Bound To Be Your Pet’s (Next) Best Fri

Seems every dog shall have its...robot? That's right--now Fido can get in on all the iBot action with Anthouse's Pet Companion Robot.

U.S. Moves To Make Animal Cruelty A Federal Felony

With a unanimous vote in favor of the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act this week, the United States House of Representatives took a historic…

Top 10 Pre-Black Friday Deals for Pet Parents

It turns out Amazon has a host of awesome products on sale this year for pet parents, and they're offering these discounts before Black Friday even hits, so you can start shopping now.

Is One Human Year Equal to 7 Canine Years? Debunking the Dog Age Myth

If you want to calculate your dog's age relative to yours, you'll need to consider one important factor that will completely change the equation.

10 Dorky Yorkie Gifts To Brighten Your Day

Yorkshire Terriers have stolen many hearts with their adorable barks and happy disposition. Here are our top trinkets to gift your Yorkie-loving bestie.

Meet WÜF, The World’s Smartest Dog Collar

WTF?!? Kickstarter’s WÜF GPS smart collar is much more than a tracking tool How cool is this collar? It seems like every time you turn around, the…

10 Sassy Star Spangles for Your Patriotic Dog

When it's time to celebrate the Fourth of July, deck out your dog in glorious star-spangled, red, white, and blue adornments.

Top 10 July 4th Stars And Stripes Fur-Ever!

If you’ve got yourself a patriotic pooch, he’ll want to show off his stars and stripes on July 4th. There are many ways for your dog to celebr…

What’s For Dinner? Pet Food Company Goes Green With Grubs

Ever wonder how your dog could help save the environment? A pet food manufacturer is using soldier flies instead of beef in their dog food and claims it&rsqu…

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds for Running

Looking for a jogging buddy? Look no further than these four legged ones! Here are our picks for the top 10 dog breeds for running.

Petland Launches New Charitable Organization to Support K9 Units

The popular pet store chain is supporting a great cause. Petland Charities is committed to raising funds for their local K9 Unit and Humane Society.

Online Retailer’s Customer Service Department Understands Pet Loss

Out to prove that businesses aren't faceless, an online pet store is reminding its subscribers that they feel their pain when a furry family member passes.

New Canadian Law Makes It A Criminal Offence To Harm Service Dogs

How can this not be a law already?! Thanks to the proposed Quanto's Law in Canada, thugs who hurt police, military or service animals will do hard time.

New Texas Law Aims To Stop Police From Shooting Dogs

Education is key when it comes to dealing with dogs – and that goes doubly when you’ve got a gun. A new law sets out to train cops from shooting…

Amazon’s 6,000 Furry Employees Enjoy Pawesome Perks at Work

At the world's largest internet company, every day is bring-your-dog-to-work day, and the four-legged employees love every minute of it.

SoulPaws Connects Therapy Pets With Those Who Have Eating Disorders

Service animals are instrumental to the well-being of those for whom they serve. Now assistance animals are used to help patients battling eating disorders.

New Mexico Lawmakers Consider Pet Food Tax For Spay and Neuter Program

New Mexico just endorsed a $100 fee to brand-name pet food manufacturers in an effort to help pay for spay and neutering costs for dogs and cats.

Logan’s Law Will Mandate Animal Abusers Registry, Tougher Penalties

Michigan hopes to pass a bill called Logan’s Law that will ban convicted animal abusers from adopting and puts their names in an accessible database. T…

Good Boy Helps His Human When She’s Locked Out Of House

A very good boy helped unlock the door for his human when she was locked out of her house, proving dogs really are the best security systems!

Pets of the Homeless Provide Free Sleeping Crates for Furbabies in Hom

The non-profit hopes that more homeless shelters will start allowing people with pets in, and they're donating free collapsible crates to help the cause.

Top 10 Awwww-Inducing Cute Dog Names

Your puppy is so adorable, you want to give your pet an equally sweet name. Here's our list of super cute dog names that will have you squeeing with glee.

Story of Airport Service Dog’s Retirement Party Gives Us Wings!

A loyal canine employee at a Florida airport has been given the retirement party of a lifetime after several years of hard work and faithful service.

A Small Cat Family Was Found Living in the Ceiling of a Restaurant

Cats choose their homes in the unlikeliest of places! And a recent event from Massachusetts, when a momma cat and her four newborn kittens were discovered living in the ceiling of a New Bedford restaurant, definitely confirms this.