Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

Finding Dory: The True Tail Behind the Regal Tang Fish

Thanks to Hollywood, the new must-have fish to have is the Regal Tang. But this isn't a fish for the faint hearted - are you up to the challenge?

Cute But Deadly: The Truth About Fish Bowls

They may be compact and stylish, but there's nothing cute about fish bowls. Small space and toxic water conditions are just a few of things wrong with them.

4 Best Types of Lighting Systems for Planted Aquariums

Got light? The right lights on your aquarium can not only make your tank shine, but it's also necessary component for plants to thrive.

Planted Tank Basics: What Aquarium Plants Need to Thrive

Just like the ones growing in earth, there are certain basics aquarium plants need to survive and thrive. Let's go over the basics of planted tank care.

Best Aquarium Pumps

Pump it up! To improve the lives of your fish, you need to invest in the right equipment. Here are our top picks for the best aquarium pumps.

The Benefits of Hermit Crabs in Your Aquarium

The hermit crab isn't just a pretty shell - this invertebrate likes to clean up after itself. Here's why you should let a hermit crab move into your tank.

Planted Tank Trend: Meet the Bucephelandra

Get on the Bucephelandra bandwagon. The latest trend in aquariums, Buce can turn your tank into colorful oasis and the centerpiece of your home.

What Are the Most Difficult Aquatic Plants to Grow?

Some plants take a lot more work than others. If you're looking for a challenge, these are the most difficult aquatic plants to grow.

Product Review: Hydor Professional External Canister Filter

Essential for a healthy aquarium, the right filter keeps water quality in your tank high. Is the Hydor Professional External Canister Filter up for the job?

Best Aquarium Heaters for Tropical Fish

Just because you don't live in the tropics, it doesn't mean you can't have a tropical tank. Here are our picks for the best aquarium heaters for tropical fish.

Our Guide to the Best Aquarium Sea Salt

Are you interested in setting up a salt water tank? Then you'll need our guide to the best aquarium sea salt.�

Buying Guide: Best Betta Fish Tanks

Betta fish tanks are designed to provide optimal comfort to a fish of their size and make sure your vibrantly colored pet thrives in its new environment.

Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire For Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew

Taking care of your aquarium is hard work - you need to bring in some extra muscle! Here are 5 invertebrates that you want on your freshwater cleanup crew.

Saltwater Shopping List For Beginners

Starting up a saltwater tank is a lot simpler when you have a must-have list of items. Use this list as a start point for your new saltwater aquarium.

Expand Your Saltwater Tank With a Refugium

Want tag on a new addition to your saltwater tank? With a refugium, you can add greater water capacity to your main tank for a host of benefits.

Best Fish Food for Aquarium Fish

What do you plan to feed your fish? If you're just starting out with a tank, you'll want to choose the best fish food for aquarium fish.

Fish RX: Hikari PraziPro Fights Parasite Infestations

What do you do when your fish get sick? Before or after parasites invade your aquarium, medicate your fish with Hikari PraziPro.

Best Aquarium Filters for a Beginner Tank

An aquarium filter is an important part of your tank's water quality. Choosing the right one for your first tank is vital - here's our list of the best aquarium filters for a beginner tank.

Best Aquarium Supplies for Biological Filtration

Balance is the key to a healthy aquarium and filtration plays a major role. That's why you need know about the best aquarium supplies for biological filtration.

Stay Tuned For Aquarium’s Got Talent

What amazing talent lurks in your tank? Take a front row seat - you won't believe the specular show that's going on in your aquarium!

6 Most Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Just like any other pet, fish are susceptible to illness. If you have a tank, be on the lookout for these six common freshwater diseases.

Paludariums Have Room For More Than Just Fish

Who says an aquarium is just for fish? A paludarium can house a host of animals and plants that takes on the feel of your very own exotic wetland!

5 Common Mistakes Made by Reef Keepers

When you're starting out, the smartest thing to do is learn from others' mistakes. Minimize your reef keeping boo-boos and take some advice from the pros.

What Plants Can I Pair With Plant-Eating Fish?

Your planted tank sure looks good... good enough to eat! Here's what you need to know if you don't want fish eating all of the plants in your aquarium.

Best Automatic Aquarium Feeders

We've put together some tips for choosing and using an automatic aquarium feeder and our top 10 picks for the best automatic aquarium feeders.

Top 5 Freshwater Fish Species for Planted Tanks

Now that you've got your planted tank set up, it's time to stock it with fish. You can't go wrong with these five freshwater fish species.

Top 8 All-In-One Aquariums

You want a fish tank, but you want everything you need in one package so you've got the essentials. Here's our list of top 5 all-in-one aquariums.

Understanding the Basics of Freshwater Aquarium Lighting

The right lights make all the difference to your freshwater aquarium. Offering much more than just illumination, aquarium lighting helps feed your plants.

Readers’ Picks: Top 12 Live Amano Shrimp Buys

Who knew that Amazon was a great place to buy live shrimp? From start to drop off, happy customers are reporting no casualties en route.

Best Aquarium Power Filters

When you're stocking your aquarium, don't forget about the right filtration for your tank. Here are our picks for the best aquarium power filters.

Best 10 Gallon Fish Tanks

Getting a 10 gallon fish tank is an excellent starting point as it is not overwhelmingly big or too challenging. Take a look at he best 10 gallon aquariums!

Oscars and Aquarium Plants: Can You Have Both?

Some fish and aquarium plants don't go together. If you're thinking of adding Oscars to your planted tank, keep these important facts in mind.

Multiple Tank Syndrome: It’s Time for a Fish Addict Intervention

Speaking out on her addition to fish and aquariums, Summer Davis suffers from multiple tank syndrome (MTS), and she doesn't care who knows it.

Above the Water’s Surface: A Guide to Emersed Plant Growth

A different take on planted tanks, emersed plant life gives your aquarium dimension. Let's talk about the ins and outs of emersed aquarium plants.

Coral Reef-Safe Fish Species for Saltwater Tanks

Pairing the right fish with the right coral makes for a vibrant and healthy aquarium. Here's what saltwater fish will enjoy your coral reef tank.

Take a Walk On the Wild Side of Bettas

Take a walk on the wild side! You know about bettas, but do you know about wild betta fish? Let's look at wild bettas that can be kept in an aquarium.

Best Foreground Plants to Use in a Planted Tank

Much thought and planning goes into a vibrant, practical planted tank. Learn how to properly arrange your plants and which ones are best for the foreground.

Which is the Best Choice: Canister Vs Hang-On Filters?

One of the most important pieces of equipment you'll need for your aquarium is a filter. The canister or hang-on filter - which one is best for your needs?

Aquarium LED Review: Finnex Planted+ 24/7

For perfect lighting, no matter what time of day, the Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED fixture offers a hands-free simulated sunrise and sunset effect.

Top 5 Low Light Corals for a Beginner Reef Tank

You want to start a coral reef tank, but you're not sure where to start. Here are five types of coral that are great for beginners.

Best Affordable Supplies for a 20-Gallon Tank

Thinking about getting a home aquarium? You need more than a tank! Here's our list of best affordable supplies for a 20-gallon tank.

Watts Going On With Your Aquarium Lighting?

Aquarium lighting is more than just watts per gallon. When you're setting up lighting for your tank, be sure to keep these important factors in mind.

Fish Ponds Let You Take Your Hobby Outside

Revitalize your outdoor living space with a container pond or a small water feature. Easy and inexpensive, your pond will add new life your landscape.

Get to Know the Bristlenose Pleco

A lesser known variety of the species, the Bristlenose Pleco has a lot going for it. Easy to care for, this fish makes a great addition to home aquariums.

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

4 Popular Cryptocoryne Species for Your Planted Tank

Lush and colorful, the Cryptocoryne species is a popular pick for planted tank enthusiasts. Why not add these vibrant aquatic plants to your tank?

Go Green With EcoQube Air, the World’s First Desktop Greenhouse For

Kickstarter has the coolest products - look at the EcoQube Air. Grow a garden on your desktop and use your smartphone to control the greenhouse's settings!

What You Need to Know About the Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is important if you're interested in cultivating a thriving aquarium. Let's talk about the basics and why you need to know about it.

Choosing the Right Substrate for Your Aquarium

Let's get to the bottom of aquarium substrate! Depending on what kind of tank you set up, you need to choose the right substrate for it.

Why You Need The API Master Test Kit

Here's a test you don't have to study for. The API Master Test Kit has everything you need to maintain and monitor aquarium conditions.

Best Products to Remove Aquarium Algae

It's completely natural, but it sure does make your tank look gross! Here are the best products to remove aquarium algae.

4 Most Common Mistakes New Aquarium Hobbyists Make

Hey, we all make mistakes. And when it comes to aquariums, there are a few common ones that new hobbyists are bound to make.

Are You Feelin’ Crabby?

Are you a tank owner who's always wanted to bring home a crab? If you're ready to jump into the world of crabs, take a pinch of our tested advice.

Why You’ll Want to Add Mystery Snails to Your Aquarium

Mystery snails are a welcome addition to an aquarium. Colorful and community oriented, these crustaceans will clean up after themselves and tank mates.

Unpopular Opinion: Goldfish Belong Outside

Some fish belong in tanks, others need to be outside. And even though you may not like it, the goldfish's place is in a pond.

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

Tank Stocking: The Truth About The 1 Inch Per Gallon Rule

You've heard about the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule, but there are other factors to keep in mind when you're first stocking your aquarium.

What You Need to Know About Feeding Your Fish

A healthy fish aquarium starts with the right nutrition. There are many types of fish food on the market – which one should you choose? When it comes t…

The Dish on Discus

Aquariums with discus are visually stunning, but many have stayed away from this fish because of its complicated care. But it's easier than you think!